Here you can access the In God We Trust film or stream the music on your preferred service. To purchase the DVD or ask for prayer, please call the Andrew Wommack Ministries Helpline on 719-635-1111.
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America’s freedom came at a price – one we should never take for granted. Thousands of brave men and women still fight, so that future generations can enjoy freedom. In God We Trust is a tale of courage and faith that is told through the story of a small church in Arlington, Texas. With a father at war in Afghanistan, there is turmoil in the hearts of his family at home. As their Fourth of July event preparations progress, word comes to the soldier’s wife that her husband has been captured by hostile forces. Will the family’s trust in God be enough to carry them through this difficult time?
We at Legacy Productions are blessed to work together with Andrew Wommack and Charis Bible College in creating powerful musicals and films filled with the Word of God. We are committed to continuing creating high quality entertainment that inspires faith.
We are based in Woodland Park, Colorado as we are directing the Film and Production School at Charis Bible College. If you are interested in learning more about our musical productions and the film and production School, please send us a message!
Andrew Wommack Ministries is a teaching ministry that reaches people all over the world. Through daily TV broadcast, social media, live events, Charis Bible locations in the US and worldwide, books, a 24/5 (soon to be 24/7) call center, you can get personal conversation, guidance and support, and information of resources that match your interest and need. Please visit or call the AWM Helpline on 719-635-1111 if you want to connect with a trusted and trained minister.
A passionate and powerful singing of the national anthem of the United States of America.